General Trevor Kadier - No serious sources have confirmed that the Russians have captured a senior Canadian officer involved in the development of biological weapons.
The story of the arrest of General Trevor Cadieu (who we also refer to as "Trevor Cadier") has been circulating on Facebook pages and groups. According to this story on Twitter, the officer tried to escape from the Azovstal industrial complex in Mariupol, Ukraine. “He was in charge of Laboratory 18, which deals with deadly viruses like Ebola and Nipah. "He is going to Moscow for inspection," the source continued. Therefore, we offer several tips based on already confirmed fake news: a biological warfare laboratory controlled by NATO in the country; their presence in the above structure. What exactly we told the Canadian officer just need to find out what happened.
General Trevor Kadier
Canadian Lieutenant General Trevor Cadier was arrested while trying to escape through a sewer from the Azovstal center. He was sent to Moscow for trial. Kadier was in charge of Laboratory #18, responsible for deadly viruses such as Ebola and Nipah (paramyxovirus, which is transmitted by flying foxes (fruit bats) in South and Southeast Asia, and encephalitis, which can be fatal to humans and pigs). Went to court in Moscow.
We Think We Know Why The Russian Military Can't Seem To Win In Ukraine
Like Oksana, some users share the text with the general's picture in several languages (like Italian).
. Neither source mentions the capture of the biological laboratory or the Russian occupation forces. continued that Cadier was previously accused of assault, but has since left Canada and is under investigation. Please note that the Canadian Forces Investigation Service has been unable to contact Lt.-Gen. It is said that the female soldier who accused him of sexual harassment occurred in 1994. Cadier denied it, but the [Ottawa Citizen, ed.] newspaper said he confessed to the crime in an email to her. 'Last year.
The last name "Kadyer" mentioned in the Facebook post comes from a literal translation of the Russian language posts, which reads "Kadyer".
War In Ukraine
The Canadian officer apparently "escaped" to join Ukraine as a foreign volunteer on April 5. This will be confirmed by the Ministry of Defense of Canada itself. The article is also confirmed
Contains some statements made by Kadie in an attempt to exonerate himself. We can find the same account in the article
. Again, nothing has been reported about the secret labs or the Russians being arrested.
I will always strive to be a force for positive change and serve my Army people with a happy heart, but I have recently decided to retire from the Canadian military. […] I am under investigation and promise to continue to cooperate with the authorities, […]. As this process evolves, I am exploring other opportunities to contribute to the greater good […] instead of receiving an uncertain salary. Conclusion
So What Else Might Be Happening If Rvw Is \
Canadian sources say Trevor Cadieu, who has been tipped to take command of the country's armed forces in 2021, has had his chances thwarted by allegations of sexual harassment by a former employee in 1994. Kadie, who is under official investigation, retired and recently decided to fight. In Ukraine. Although his name has been linked to Azovstal, no reports of his arrest have appeared in any Russian media, and it is unlikely that he was in charge of the phantom laboratory in Mariupol.
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No! In this photo, Mike Tyson is not in a wheelchair due to the Covid vaccine. © Observers
A photo of the arrest of former Canadian Lt. Gen. Trevor Cadieu, who was coming to the Battle of Azovstal de Mariupol, was circulated on Facebook pages and groups in West Africa. If it is confirmed that this person is in Ukraine, the photos shown here will be arrested and the situation will not return.
Mariupol: Tropas Russas Alegam Ter Capturado General Canadense Supostamente Responsável Por Biolaboratório
Trevor Cadieu is a Canadian lieutenant general who will assume command of the Canadian Army in September 2021.
Recently, the military police was sent to Ukraine to fight against the Russian army on April 5, to investigate "inconduit sexuelle" or to disband the army for the first time in October 2021. The information approved by the Minister of National Defense of Canada is specific information about the workforce.
Lately, we've received a lot of news and press confirming Trevor Cadieu, who has disbanded warring pro-Ukrainian factions in America's Azov yard in Mariupol. Image of a suspicious video of a circle made after May 8 by "Trévor Cadieu écrit literally en Russian (Cadieu), aurait "tenté de s'échaper par un égout" under the name "Trevor Cadieu" after May 8 there is
An example of article proof is Trevor Cadieu (Cadieu) is été arrêté par l'armée russe. Archive here : © Facebook / Media info afrika D'où vient cette photo?
Questa Foto Non Mostra L'ammiraglio Americano Eric Olson «catturato Nell'acciaieria Azovstal Di Mariupol»
A reverse image search on Google Images ( voir ici comment proceder ) lets you see how the legendary screen capture of Trevor Cadieux's arrest stems from the reality of a February news report by Russian public television Vesti dant du. 24/24/2022 is the day the Russians invaded Ukraine, so this day will be 2 mois avant les combats de l'usine in Azovstal de Mariupol. Video is an advantage of photography, and it is obvious.
The video's caption reads, "14 Militaires des Forces armées ukrainiennes se sont rendus près du village de Petrivske."
Rumors about the presence of Kanadien in the Azovstal district of the United States. On the 28th, a statement from Eduard Basurin, a representative of the Donetsk Republic, is likely to be a general in the Azovstal army. , sans en donner le nom.
The famous goal of all these fantasies that came to Ukraine is that the accuser is definitely responsible for the "bio-laboratory" where the death of "sur des viruses, Ebola or Nipah" works and the world's arrété pour être. To Moscow.
Ne! Kanadski General Trevor \
If the Canadian ex-lieutenant general is in Ukraine, the arrest of the boy has not been confirmed by official sources of the Russian courts. Some photos of Trevor Cadye's arrest have not been released by Russian media to this day.
Trevor Cadieux's testimony in the recall chamber of American Lt. Gen. Roger Cloutier in Lotan suspects that Mariupol was captured. Pretend to capture pictures, information about each other, often erroneous.
LIRE SUR LES ABSERVATEURS: Ukraine: This video was shot by Roger Cloutier, not responsible for l'Otan, captured by Les Roussins.
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Intox 20/12/2022 Non, RMC n'a pas "rappelé les origines" on Twitter of Tchouaméni et Coman après la défaite des Bleus
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Intox 15/12/2022 No, "sacs d'argent" retrouvés chez la vitse-presidente du Parlament européenPriča or uhićenju generala Trevora Cadieua (spominje se i kao "Trevor Kadiernima" and watch the video of "Facebook" group. If you recalculate it, you can do everything you can to get on Twitter, the police can do your job in Mariupol, Ukraine industrial complexes. "Bio your radio 18 lab koji, smytslovnim virus, poput ebola or Nipaha. Ide u Moskvu da mu se sudi' – nastablja izvor.
Canadian General Lieutenant Trevor Cadier uhićen je dok je tried to escape kroz kanalizacijsku cijev iz Azovstal Central. Poland or Moscow. Kadier je bio in charge za Laboratory br. 18 koji je radio with deadly virus, kao što su ebola or nipah (paramiksovirus koji prevene leteće lisice (voćni šišmiši) in South and East Asia koji može užrozati bolesti, okkuluľotiže užrozati bolesti, okkuluľotižoti, okkuluľotičin.
No! Il Generale Canadese Trevor \
If you are in ruski mediji, you can access located at 21 Ottawa St. There are several biological laboratory tests that can be used to solve the following problems:
You can leave the - Canada section in your bio. Napominjemo da služba služba kanadaskih snaga dugo nije mogla kontakt general-pukovnika. Sexually, there are no surprises in your love life 1994. Kadier je to zanijekao, ali novine [Ottawa Citizen, ur.] tvrte da je priznao pozlomin u e-mail your sent.
Prezime «Kadier», published or published on Facebook, is available directly in the translation of the article in Russian where it is written: «Kadier».
If you have the opportunity to follow 5. "pobjegao" in Ukraine, your prize can be paid several dragovoljac. Two confirmations, samo canadasko Ministari obrane do. CBC News report, koji
No! Questo Non è L'ammiraglio Americano Eric Olson E Non è Stato Catturato Ad Azovstal
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